

  • 嬰幼兒必需維生素
  • 30 份
  • USDA 有機認可
  • Non-GMO 項目驗證
  • 膳食補充劑
  • 猶太潔食
  • 經認可的 NSF 無麩質
  • B 公司認可
  • 經 QCS 認可有機
我們的兒童複合維生素粉是一種有機的每日補充劑,可提供 15 種來自食物的必需維生素和礦物質,以實現更好營養、健康生長、骨骼發育。

  • 來自經有機認可的天然食品
  • 15 種必需的維生素和礦物質
  • 不含人工成分


適用於一歲及以上可以吃食物的幼兒。每天將 1 勺混合到果汁或食物中。徹底混合以確保粉末完全溶解,以避免潛在的窒息危險。所有粉末都可能結塊,因此完全溶解很重要。
網路價:497元,結帳享5%折扣後 473


  • Omega-3 DHA Cod Liver Oil
  • Purity - Quality - Sustainability
  • 120 mg Omega-3 DHA
  • Yummy Berry-Lime
  • Not Fishy
  • Sugar Free
  • Omega-3 Dietary Supplement
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free

Quality You Can Trust

Purity and Quality - Formulated for freshness utilizing nitrogen flush preservation on the boat and minimal transport time from ocean to harbor to processing facility. Oceans Kids® uses a cutting-edge molecular distillation process that exceeds international standards for the removal of mercury, lead, PCBs and other environmental toxins.◎◎Sustainability - 100% Arctic Cod harvested on small, local fishing boats in accordance with the guidelines set by the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs to ensure sustainability for future generations.

Oceans Kids® DHA Chewables™ are a fun and convenient way to give your child all of the benefits of Omega-3s in a Yummy Berry Lime chewable softgel. 

  • No fishy smell or "yucky" fish burps
  • Small chewable softgel for kids age 3 and up
  • Sugar free and not artificial "junk"
" border="0" src="https://s3.images-iherb.com/gol/gol11387/u/25.jpg">


  • Omega-3 DHA Cod Liver Oil
  • Purity - Quality - Sustainability
  • 120 mg Omega-3 DHA
  • Yummy Berry-Lime
  • Not Fishy
  • Sugar Free
  • Omega-3 Dietary Supplement
  • Gluten Free
  • Dairy Free

Quality You Can Trust

Purity and Quality - Formulated for freshness utilizing nitrogen flush preservation on the boat and minimal transport time from ocean to harbor to processing facility. Oceans Kids® uses a cutting-edge molecular distillation process that exceeds international standards for the removal of mercury, lead, PCBs and other environmental toxins.

Sustainability - 100% Arctic Cod harvested on small, local fishing boats in accordance with the guidelines set by the Norwegian Ministry of Fisheries and Coastal Affairs to ensure sustainability for future generations.

Oceans Kids® DHA Chewables™ are a fun and convenient way to give your child all of the benefits of Omega-3s in a Yummy Berry Lime chewable softgel. 

  • No fishy smell or "yucky" fish burps
  • Small chewable softgel for kids age 3 and up
  • Sugar free and not artificial "junk"



網路價:521元,結帳享5%折扣後 495


  • 大腦和眼睛支持
  • Non-GMO 專案驗證
  • 無糖
  • 液體膳食補充劑
  • 素食認可
  • B 公司認可
Omega-3 在大腦、眼睛和中樞神經系統發育中發揮著至關重要的作用。隨著兒童年齡的增長,Omega-3 繼續在生命的各個階段發揮有價值的整體健康益處。

兒童很難在魚、堅果和種子含量較低的飲食中攝入足夠的 Omega。

  • 令人愉悅的草莓味
  • 不含人工成分
  • 純素食


每次使用前請搖勻。4 歲及 4 歲以上的兒童每天服用 2.5 升(約 0.5 茶匙),並在成年人監督下進食。開封後冷藏,90 天內食用。
網路價:994元,結帳享5%折扣後 945